Each May is Mental Health Month! Thanks to our friends at Mental Health America, we are excited to share the below tools and resources. Join us in celebrating Mental Health Month by spreading the word and sharing these Tools 2 Thrive with your friends, family, and colleagues. Check out our social media during the month of May for additional information and resources.
Remember, life can be hard, but your mental health doesn’t have to suffer.
Fact Sheets
Accepting Reality
Adapting After Trauma and Stress
Dealing with Anger and Frustration
Getting Out of Thinking Traps
Processing Big Changes
Taking Time for Yourself
Dealing with Change
Dealing with the Worst-Case Scenario
Managing Frustration and Anger
Practicing Radical Acceptance
Prioritizing Self-Care
Processing Trauma and Stress
Full Mental Health Month Toolkit
Mental Health Screening provided by Mental Health America