Accessing Your Information
It is the responsibility of Meridian to ensure all requests for the disclosure of protected health information, PHI, meet the established HIPAA standards for use and disclosure of individually identifiable health information, including the content requirements of a valid authorization.
Keeping Your Info Safe
Use or disclosure of PHI for purposes other than treatment, payment or health care operations is permitted only if Meridian obtains written authorization from the client. Authorizations must be specific and detailed and are intended to give clients concrete information about how their information will be used so that they may make informed decisions about its use and disclosure.
Meridian will obtain clients’ authorizations prior to using or disclosing their PHI for any purpose not expressly permitted or required under the privacy standard, state and federal law and regulatory agencies.
The Process for Access
To request a copy of your medical records, please complete this form.
The authorization form should be signed in the presence of a Meridian staff member or signed in the presence of, and witnessed by, another agency or professional office or Notary Public. If the client directs Meridian to provide information and is unable to complete the request in the presence of a Meridian staff or other professional office staff, the authorization form must be notarized. All requests must be in writing.
The Authorization for Release of Information form can be returned to any Meridian office or faxed to (352) 565-1031.
After all requirements for a properly signed release have been satisfied, the records/information will be copied and sent within 30 days of the request. If records are needed urgently, please include the reason on the Release of Information request. The preferred method of delivery is United States Postal Service. Records may be faxed upon request of the client, emergencies, or secure transmissions, as in the case of records sent to Social Security Administration. Should the client request records be faxed, the release signed by the client should reflect this preference.
The fee for copying records is $1.00 per page for the first 25 pages and $.25 for each additional page. Fees for records must be paid prior to the records being furnished.
For Health Information Management questions or concerns, contact:
Jannine Barnes, RHIT
Director, Health Information and Privacy Officer
(352) 374-5600, ext. 8148
Meridian Behavioral Healthcare
Health Information Management Department
4300 SW 13th Street, Gainesville, FL 32608
Phone: (352) 374-5600, ext. 8150
Fax: (352) 565-1031
For Information Technology questions or concerns, contact:
David McKay
Director, Information Technology
(352) 374-5600, ext. 8346