What is TextForHelp?
The only youth-focused mental health crisis text hotline in the country that is available 24/7, fully confidential, and staffed ONLY by licensed mental health counselors. Every text that is received is responded to by a fully licensed clinical professional who specializes in adolescent crisis counseling. Our counselors are prepared and standing by to support anyone who texts in. When in doubt, teens can simply send the text.
Who is it for? Your Community’s Youth!
TextForHelp is available for anyone in need of emotional support at any time. While the line is intended for teens in crisis situations, users need not be in crisis to use the service. We also encourage teens to use TextForHelp.app if they have concerns about a friend or loved one and need support in getting them help.
How Does it Work?
TextForHelp: A simple path to professional help and care.
• Using a keyword unique to your community, a teen texts us via SMS.
• Within minutes, one of our licensed mental health professionals will reply. Over 99% of all texts are responded to in under 3 minutes.
• Based on the texter’s needs, our counselor will direct them to further assistance, or will activate an intervention protocol if needed.
• TextForHelp designs interventions at the local and hyper-local level.
What do Teens Text About?
While the types of issues teens face vary, TextForHelp’s deep presence in multiple communities has provided an in-depth view of those persistent and near-universal pressures that affect our teens daily.
How does TextForHelp Differ from Other Text Lines?
The difference is in the details.
1) It’s Confidential
A fully encrypted and HIPAA-compliant service, and those students who text in can expect that their confidentiality will be protected.
2) Every Response is from a Licensed Counselor
All of our mental health clinicians are fully licensed and are local to your community. This allows our team to help your teens through their crisis and to direct them to the resources they’ll need next.
3) It is Fast. Very Fast!
TextForHelp.app will connect your teens with a caring counselor in minutes, if not seconds, who will help them with whatever they are going through. Over 99% of all texts are responded to in under 3 minutes.
4) Interventions Protocols are Designed and Executed at the Local Level
Because of our relationships with schools and service providers in the communities we serve, and with the very intentional and bespoke approach we take with our partners, we are able to design interventions at the local level, thereby delivering support to students in real-time.