This grant recognizes and supports the critical need for comprehensive and coordinated healthcare for those effected by mental health and substance use disorders
Gainesville, Fla. – Meridian Behavioral Healthcare has been awarded a $4 million grant over two years from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to expand and improve community healthcare services. The focus population for these services will include individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) or substance use disorders (SUD), including opioid use disorders; children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance (SED); and individuals with co-occurring mental and substance disorders (COD).
This SAMHSA grant designates Meridian as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC), ensuring easy, welcoming access to medical care, behavioral health care, and related supportive services at the individual’s home or at Meridian’s many locations. These services are available to everyone Meridian serves, regardless of ability to pay.
“I’ve never been more excited about the prospect for enhanced coordinated care for those we serve, especially our high-need clients who often struggle to navigate the increasing complicated healthcare system in this country,” said Meridian President & CEO, Don Savoie. “With this designation and funding, Meridian is positioned to serve as a health home for our most vulnerable and complex clients. Working in concert with our many community partners, we believe operating as a CCBHC will enhance the quality life for our clients, their families, and our community.”
CCBHC organizations offer an all-inclusive range of substance use and mental health disorder services, especially for individuals who have a multitude of needs. This expanded care coordination focuses on the whole health of every person being served. Meridian has been providing these crucial services to the community for more than 40 years and already has the comprehensive services and infrastructure in place to complete this certification. The certification process also includes stringent quality measures to ensure the best care is being provided.
The overall goals of this expansion project include, 1) improving access and outcomes for persons with serious behavioral health disorders and complex service barriers through consistent delivery of timely, comprehensive CCBHC services; and 2) improving long-term sustainability of comprehensive services through CCBHC certification.
With this expansion, Meridian will also be hiring at least 30 new staff members in a variety of clinical and medical positions.
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